8 Healthy Habits You Should Start Today

November 24, 2020

8 Healthy Habits You Should Start Today

Our health begins with what we do on a daily basis. How we start our day, how we use our day, and how we end our day - all of it matters and affects our overall wellbeing. What are some important healthy habits you should incorporate in your daily life today? Here are our ten top favorites:


1. Wake Up Early

People who wake up early tend to have more time to eat breakfast, while those who don't, tend to rush while eating or end up skipping it altogether. Skipping one meal can lead to unhealthy and poor eating choices later on in the day. For example, the chips in the vending machine or in the break room might look too tempting to resist. People who wake up earlier also tend to have more healthy morning habits such as exercising and may have a better sleeping schedule. Also, when you wake up early, it eliminates the need to rush so oftentimes it can significantly help reduce stress and allow you to start the day on a more positive note.


2. Drink Water

You may have already heard this a million times, but staying hydrated is essential for our health. Aside from preventing dehydration, our body needs water to digest food and get rid of waste. Health experts often recommend that the average adult should drink at least eight 8 oz. glass, or 2 liters, of water a day. So, if you find that you aren't getting enough water, try carrying a portable container of water with you throughout the day. Before you drink that coffee or tea, try a glass of water first. This can help start up your metabolism and hydrate your body.


3. Make Time to Move

Unfortunately, humans seem to be moving less because many of us work in an environment where we are usually constantly sitting down. Therefore, it is important for us to find ways to get up and move. If you can wake up early in the morning, try to implement a 15-25 minute workout each day. Find ways at work to get up and move around. Try making it so that you can adjust your workspace setup and stand up while working. Take out time during lunch break and go for a 10 minute walk. Regardless of what it is, find some form of movement and try to do it daily to stay healthy.


4. Eat More Veges

Vegetables are healthy, whole foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. All of which can help promote a healthier gut and prevent digestive related issues. When you try to incorporate more vegetables into your diet, you will have less room for processed foods and added sugars.


5. Limit Phone Use

If you actually timed how much time you spend a day on your phone, you will be amazed to see how much time is wasted. According to one study, the average person spends at least 2 hours checking their phone every day. Imagine using that time for something more productive such as exercising, reading a book, or cooking something healthy to eat. Also, this constant connection to our digital devices can cause many negative health effects, such as stress and anxiety, and can even impact our sleep. So try to limit your use and turn off your phone at least an hour before sleeping.


6. Read

Did you think that just because you're done with school, you can put books away for good? Think again. Taking the time to read a book can significantly help with your physical and mental wellbeing. Reading allows us to continue to learn and grow. It can also help reduce stress and promote sleep. So, if you got some extra time or just can't fall asleep? Read a good book.


7. Clear Clutter

Don't leave a mess for later to clean. Ever hear yourself saying, "Ok, I'll wash those dishes tomorrow" or "I'll find some other time to clean my room"? Instead of putting it off, if you have the time, why not do it asap? The physical space around us can have a huge impact on our mental state. When the space we sleep or work in is cluttered or messy, it may increase frustration and decrease our efficiency. So instead of leaving the mess for later, try keeping your surroundings clean. If you clean up right after, you won't have to deal with a huge, piled up mess for later and your mental wellbeing will thank you.


8. Good Sleep Schedule

The average adult needs at least 7-8 hours of good sleep. Why? Prolonged lack of sleep can adversely affect our health. Sleep helps our bodies to regulate the hormones that cause stress, so when we lack sleep, our stress and anxiety levels may increase. Also, lack of sleep can significantly impact our concentration and performance throughout the day. One study noted that decreasing your sleep by as little as one in a half hours can cause up to 32% reduction of daytime alertness. Poor sleep habits have also been linked to memory issues, mood swings, weakened immune system, and eating-related issues. Can't seem to sleep? Perhaps your body is lacking magnesium. In fact, nearly 75% of adults are magnesium deficient, which can impact our sleep cycle. So, perhaps take some supplements, read a good book, shut your phone, and try to clock out by 10 to give your body the rest it needs to start the next day fully charged.