Our nails are one of many areas we tend to overlook; however, you may be surprised to learn that your nails reveal a lot more than your think about your health. So what are some symptoms to look out for and what do those symptoms indicate? We'll discuss six symptoms.
White nails is a symptom where your nails are partially or entirely white. One cause for this is due to injury and should be checked by your primary doctor. If your nails are white with a pink band on top of the nail bed, this condition is called Terry’s nails and may mean that you have a serious health condition. A few possible diseases related to this symptom are Cirrhosis of the liver, chronic kidney failure, congestive heart failure. This condition may also just signify aging or is caused by genetics and may not be serious at all.
One of the most common reasons for yellow nails is fungal infection. In addition, it may also be the result of smoking as tobacco can cause nails to yellow or it can appear in patients with serious lung disease. In most cases the latter can go away on its own, if not, taking some vitamin E may help.
In some cases nails can take on a blue appearance for several different reasons. One cause is silver poisoning, or argria. People who works with silver or are miners for silvers are at a higher risk of argyria. Another possible factor is due to certain medications that you are taking, which include drugs used to fight malaria, to fight psychosis, and to regulate heartbeat. Those who use oxalis acid to clean radiators may also notice blue nails. Another health condition is called, cyanosis, which is a low or lack of oxygen to your bloods cells that can cause your nail bed and other parts of the body such as the feet and lips to look bluish purple. These are just a few possible causes of blue nails so you should check with your doctor.
This may indicate psoriasis in the nail and may appear as tiny holes on the surface of your nail. It could also be caused by atopic dermatitis, irritant dermatitis, or allergic contact dermatitis.
Nail brittleness is due to a variety of conditions and is commonly seen on the elderly. It can also result from drugs, trauma to the nail, diseases or nutrient deficiencies. One of the best ways to prevent your nails from becoming split or cracked is through the use of supplements. You can look for supplements that include biotin, amino acids, and certain minerals such as zinc.
If the skin around the edge of your nail looks puffy and swollen, it could be paronychia. Acute paronychia is usually caused by an infection, however if it is often puffy, then it could be caused by a chemical irritation. Another cause for puffy nails beds could be from soaking your hands often in water such if you are a swimmer or if you often wash your dishes by hand.