Our sense of well-being and overall health primarily depends on our digestive health which is directly impacted by our food intake and lifestyle. It is our digestive system that is responsible to break down foods and liquids into chemical components for our body to absorb the nutrients and use for energy to sustain our daily activities. What we eat and how we eat makes a big impact on our digestive health. There are several ways to improve our digestion naturally which will avoid us from experiencing occasional digestive symptoms like constipation, upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea or even chronic stomach diseases.
Eat a balanced, healthy diet. Go for real foods and stay away from processed foods which usually contains artificial sweeteners and trans fats. In general, fatty foods tend to slow down digestion process. A high-fiber diet is very much recommended for a healthy gut. It includes foods with high fiber and rich in whole grains, vegetables and fruits. They help keep the food moving through your digestive tract which will then make you feel less constipated. It also helps in achieving or maintaining a healthy weight. High-fiber diet aids to reduce the risk of digestive conditions and IBS – Irritable bowel syndrome.
Drink plenty of water, stay hydrated. It is recommended to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day. Other sources that will help you meet the recommended fluid intake is by eating fruits and vegetables which are rich in water, such as cucumber, melons, grapefruit, tomatoes, zucchini and celery. Fluids help our body to get rid of toxins and waste.
A few pounds make a difference. It can ease discomfort of heartburn if you lose a little extra weight especially around the belly. A smart diet with some good exercise will help. Just slow down and listen to your body. Know when you are hungry and when fullness sends cues. Overeating causes indigestion and bloating. Take time to eat, it usually takes time for hormones released by your stomach to reach your brain. Therefore, eating slowly gives you time to appreciate your food and allows you to know when you are already full. Emotional or stress eating negatively impacts your digestion.
Time to quit your bad habits. Heartburn is a very common problem caused by reflux of gastric acid. It can be eliminated when you avoid smoking. This bad habit is also associated with stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal cancers. Quitting your smoking habit may be beneficial if you have digestive issues or just simply wanting a healthy lifestyle. Drinking alcohol is another bad habit that you might want to consider quitting. Excessive alcohol consumption may cause bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. It may increase acid production which can trigger acid reflux and stomach ulcers.
Consider some gut-supporting supplements for added nutrients. On the top of list are probiotics, they are beneficial bacteria which helps improve digestive health. Symptoms such as bloating, constipation, gas and pain during IBS on people are best improved when probiotics are taken.
Stay active and get moving. Exercise is very beneficial and helps improve our overall health. It is most helpful in digestion along with gravity as it helps food travel smoothly to your digestive system. Daily exercise regimen including at least 30 minutes of walking will significantly improve symptoms of chronic constipation. Overall, exercise decreases inflammatory compounds in our body.
A good, healthy diet and some changes in your lifestyle are the keys to improving your digestion. What we eat and our physical activities intertwine with our digestive health. When you take these healthy measures, it’ll surely build a stronger digestive system, hence, a stronger YOU.