For sure you have heard a lot about Apple Cider Vinegar and its reputation as a health supplement. For those who find the liquid apple cider vinegar too strong and hard to consume, they can actually still reap the same benefits of ACV in capsule form. These are made from raw apple cider vinegar with its mother culture retained, formed into powder at low temperature, keeping the good bacteria alive.
ACV promotes good gut health. It is packed with will a lot of probiotics, helping to replenish our inner gut flora with good bacteria to support the body’s natural processes. These processes involve cleansing and detoxifying which helps flush out the build-up in out gut.
Apple Cider Vinegar has shown some great help in keeping the blood sugar levels in the normal range. Still the most effect and healthiest way to do is to stay way from refined carbs and sugar. But a few swigs of ACV can also help by improving insulin sensitivity during a high-carb meal. Because the acetic acid contained in ACV basically blocks the absorption of starch.
ACV also lowers triglycerides which is the cause of fatty plaque building up in the arteries, which blocks the blood flow. As apples and vinegar both contain the dietary fiber, called Pectin which helps neutralizes bad cholesterol. Acetic acid, being the main star active ingredient in ACV, is found to help decrease blood pressure. It actually blocks the enzyme that raises the blood pressure. Taking ACV will then also contribute in reducing the risk of heart disease.
It is an immunity booster. ACV can help to deter pesky viruses by replenishing our immune system with tons of good bacteria which ward off infection. This will then become our great support for immune health and will give our body a good fight against colds and flu virus.
Encourage glowing skin. ACV’s malic and lactic acid components improve the texture, pigmentation and appearance of the skin as it softens and exfoliate the skin. It also lightens scars, reduces red spots, fades bruises, removes warts and gives balance to the pH of your skin. The power of its antibacterial properties also helps to keep acne under control.
Digestive support. ACV capsules can be taken with or without food, whichever is desired. But as a general recommendation, it can be taken before meal to help boost our digestion and that the food we take will go down smoothly.
Apple Cider Vinegar also plays a role in maintaining the balance between free radicals and toxins and acts as a good source of antioxidant to combat stress. Exercise and stress cause lactic acid to build up in the body, causing fatigue. ACV also contains potassium and enzymes that may relieve that tired feeling. So when you get this lethargic feeling, try taking an ACV pill. It will help you increase your energy levels.
While there are abundant benefits found in an apple cider vinegar, it is suggested to not substitute any of your prescribed medication to taking ACV pills alone. Remember to enjoy these advantages while keeping a healthy lifestyle. It is not a cure-all or miracle cure as what others might believe in, but it undeniably has important health benefits that are helpful in our daily lives. Apple Cider Vinegar will truly be useful especially for people who like to keep things natural and as chemical-free as possible.